Tuesday, March 10, 2015

I felt this card deserved a post of its own...Wilma and I had a card day and this is what she "brought to the table"...I don't remember where she first saw it, but I love it.  I've always really liked the look of cards made with Kraft paper but this one is especially nice.  I would post a photo of the one I brought to the table that day but already gave it away.  Maybe that person, when she reads this, will be nice enough to take a photo of it on her phone and send it to me so that I can post that one as well :).

That's all for today, folks.  Have a great day and if you're out and about, be safe...it's getting really foggy here.

Assorted Cards, Past and Present

Hi, All...

Is it true?  Can spring really almost be here?  What a long winter it's been!!!  There are several cards I will be posting today and it's basically a hodgepodge of those I've made in the past...a couple were made in the past week and a few were started years ago.  Some were made on my own, some with other cardmakers, etc.  Thanks to an encouraging push from a friend (ahem; you know who you are!), I am making it my goal this spring and summer to finish up the many cards I've started and then put on the "back burner".  Some are almost finished and some have a long way to go to be finished.  Since I am not entering any of these in any challenges, I won't be listing the supplies used but in this first picture I'm posting is one made with the Stampin' Up! Hello, Doily stamp that I love, love, love.  I've already made about 20 different cards with this stamp. It's one of those that I never get tired of.  There are many, many neat and different ways to use this stamp.